Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Well, it’s been over 2 months since my last blog post. A lot of big changes have happened in my life since my last blog. In my last blog, I told the story of 3 frogs sitting on a log, one decided to jump in, how many were left? There were still 3 because that frog only decided to jump in. Sometimes in life, God calls us to take a leap of faith and trust him even when we don’t understand. I felt God telling me that auditing was not what I was supposed to do the rest of my life. There was something else he had planned for me, if I would only trust him. I am going to be honest with you, it was a big step to make. It is always difficult when you can’t see what’s ahead and you don’t really have a plan. It’s our human nature that tells us that you always should have a plan in whatever you do. So, I took the leap of faith and decided to quit my job as an auditor. 2 weeks after I left the CPA firm, God provided me a job in Mobile back home closer to family and church. It was one of the biggest decisions of my life, I can now say with full assurance that it was the best decision I could have ever made. Sometimes trusting the Lord in the unknown can be difficult but he will never fail us. He never promised that we would not have difficulties and hardships. He did promise that he would never leave us nor forsake us. I am so thankful for his love for me.

What does it mean to fully trust the Lord at all time? A definition that the dictionary gives of trust: a dependence on something future or contingent: Hope. I really like that definition because that is exactly what trust is. When we put our trust in the Savior, we accept that fact that we don’t know what the future holds but we Trust Him. So many times in my life I have not fully trusted the Lord in a situation. As humans we think our plans are better than his. When all along the way, he had something greater for us. I can say will full assurance that the job that I have now is only because of God. I had to take the first step. I had to trust that he had a plan for me. He would take care of all the details of when, why, how. I just had to take that first step. I know that when I accepted Christ. I had to take the first step and believe. The rest was history. I remember the night that I got saved. For the first time in my life, I went to bed that night with the peace that passes all understanding.

One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 3:5 it says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight.” It doesn’t say to trust the Lord with half your heart. No, ALL your heart. In life we should go to our heavenly father with any problem we have. He understands and knows us better than anyone. He loves us so much; he only wants what is best for our life. He wants us to completely put our trust in him. Wither it be in a big decision or relationships. Every day I realize how deep the Fathers love is for me.

There is a song that helps me with trust. It’s called No Matter What by Kerrie Roberts. My favorite part of the song is: “When I’m stuck in this nothing-ness by myself, I’m just sitting in silence, there’s no way I can make it without Your help, I won’t even try it. I know You have Your reasons for everything, so I will keep believing, whatever I might be feeling, God you are my hope, and you'll be my strength.” We can’t make it through life without Christ by our side. There have been times that I have tried to make a decision in life on my own… That was a bad idea. He is our hope and strength in anything we are facing. He only wants what is best for our life. Sometimes when we can’t trace his hand, we have to trust his heart. He seems the master plan. Put your trust in the Lord this week, not in man.